2023 Possible Events
* New families Afternoon tea welcome (each term)
* Wine Fundraiser
* Chocolate Fundraiser
* Quiz Night 17 June
* Disco 4 August
* Skipping Fundraiser
* School Raffle
* Mega Garage Sale
Let us know if you would like to help towards any of these events - Contact paremataschoolpta@gmail.com
Other Fundraisers
Please help us with these other fundraisers that we organise throughout the year;
Every year, dedicated volunteers give their time, energy and expertise to raise funds for their schools. We aim to offer a passive source of fundraising to supplement the awesome campaigns and events that take place annually. 10% of each purchase from this
website is donated to the school of your choice! Over 400 items available.
SHOP HERE www.schoolfundraisingshop.co.nz
please keep the 'yummy' stickers from apples that your family eats. These transfer into points to help us gain new sports gear each year. One year - room 13 collected over 1000 stickers.
Looking for the perfect gift? Look no further: a Paremata School tea towel Email: paremataschoolpta@gmail.com with your order; tea towels $12 each. See our online shop, as there are 4 designs to choose from. Payment can be made straight into the school bank account ASB
12-3254-0048796-00 ref: Tea Towel.
School Hoodie Orders
The hoodies are $45 each, come in navy with the new Paremata School logo on the
front. If you would like your names across the back, these hoodies are $55. Payment can be
made online 12 3254 0048796 00 (name and hoodie as reference); eftpos in office or cash.
Email your order to Michelle on michelle@paremata.school.nz